Global Journal of Peace Research and Praxis

Call for Papers (Spring/Summer 2022): Social Conflicts and Global Policy

For the Spring/Summer issue of the GJPRP, we are requesting timely materials that address social issues and global policy as they relate to social conflicts throughout the world. Articles addressing both theory and practice, including community-engaged research and participatory action research, within peace and conflict studies are of particular interest and value. The journal also encourages film and book reviews, art, poetry, relevant literature, and opinion pieces on topics pertinent to the field of Peace and Conflict Studies. Submissions dedicated to these forms will also be given consideration. We welcome short abstracts on chosen topics prior to the deadline, which may be sent to for feedback. Please consider submitting your original academic pieces for our Spring/Summer issue. Among a general call for academic submissions, the upcoming issue of the GJPRP is particularly interested in works that discuss:

  • Trauma and healing

  • Reconciliation

  • Cultures of peace 

These topics have been chosen to explicitly connect the themes of trauma, reconciliation and cultures of peace. Trauma and healing often require reconciliation to humanize the rival or victim. In addressing trauma, reconciliation requires dealing with past harms, acknowledging the truth, and shifting values and norms toward cooperative and united relationships (Bar-Tal, 2009). Further, Lederach (1997) argues reconciliation requires four components: truth, mercy, justice, and peace - all elements found in peaceful societies. Continuing this connection among our chosen topics, “a culture of peace is a culture that promotes peace” (Galtung and Fischer, 2013, p. 151) where society places an emphasis on equality, respect, cooperation, prosocial behavior, and nonviolence. 

Societies exist where a culture of peace is the norm. Indeed, Fry and Fry (1997, p. 19) argue “a world view of ‘cultural nonviolence’, or perhaps more positively, ‘cultural peacefulness’, is also possible – many cultures already have such ethos.” However, for those societies where trauma is grounded in historical events, intergenerational, or exists in the present social and cultural structures, healing and reconciliation are needed to transform human conflict. It is among these societies along the continuum from interpersonal conflict to trans-national conflict where a formation of new beliefs, attitudes, and values is required to heal and reconcile past traumas and begin developing a peace culture. 

Bar-Tal, D. (2009). Reconciliation as a foundation of culture of peace. In De Rivera, J. (Ed.), Handbook on Building Cultures of Peace. Springer.

Fry, D. P., and Fry, C.B. (1997). Culture and Conflict Resolution Models: Exploring Alternatives to Violence. In D. Fry and Björkqvist (Eds.), Cultural Variation in Conflict Resolution: Alternatives to Violence (pp. 3-7). Lawrence Erlbaum Press.

Galtung, J., and Fischer, D. (2013). Johan Galtung: Pioneer of Peace Research. Springer.

Lederach, J.P. (1997). Building Peace: Sustainable Reconciliation in Divided Societies. United States Institutes of Peace Press.

Submission Guidelines
To submit your articles, please visit the journal’s website: Submissions should be in APA 7th edition format. 

For questions about the submission process, please contact GJPRP’s Editorial team (

Review Process
Once entries are submitted, papers will undergo a preliminary review by the Editorial Board to ensure that they meet submission guidelines. This process typically takes 4 weeks. As appropriate, following the initial review, papers are sent out for a blind peer review, which is completed within 2-3 months.

Document Preparation
Manuscripts should be between 5,000-7,500 words. Reviews of books, films, and series should be between 1,000-2,000 words. Submissions should include front matter such as manuscript title, author name(s) and contact information, author bio, an optional cover letter, and an abstract of the article (no more than 200 words). To ensure confidential peer review, submissions must be made without the author(s) name(s) appearing anywhere in the manuscript itself. We cannot guarantee an external review of submissions that are not in compliance with the above. Also, we have the following journal-specific guidelines:

Footnotes/Endnotes: Please do not use footnotes or endnotes; please incorporate all relevant information into the body of the article with APA 7th edition citation style.

Figures, Tables, and Exhibits: Do not include graphs or statistical tables unless necessary for clarity. Tables, figures, and exhibits should comply with APA formatting.

Publication Process
When a submitted manuscript, after peer review, is accepted for publication, authors agree to grant GJPRP the right to copy edit and publish. Manuscripts under review for possible publication in GJPRP should not be submitted for review elsewhere and should not have been previously published elsewhere. Questions regarding editorial matters should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Jeremy Rinker (

The deadline to submit full manuscripts is February 22, 2022, and the next issue of the journal will be published during the Spring/Summer of 2022.