A Passport to Successful Transfer Appreciative Advising
How do we appreciate? The Appreciative Advising framework facilitates and fosters optimal student development and success. But, how may this be conducted in a community college setting when academic advising sessions and resources have competing priorities? Learn from the innovative practice and partnership between Ivy Tech Community College, IUPUI’s Department of Psychology, and the IUPUI-Ivy Tech Coordinated Programs Passport Office to enable the necessary foundation for Appreciative Advising sessions at your community college. Our practice encompasses workshops and presentations for psychology students at Ivy Tech which includes a transferable statewide competency-based curriculum. These initiatives enable a follow up one-on-one advising session to explore ‘outside of the classroom’ needs. We appreciate our students in innovative ways by building relationships to ensure that they are being asked the right questions to achieve their goals and overcome challenges.
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ISSN: 2165-5421