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Psychology of Learning Spaces: Impact on Teaching and Learning

Vincent J. Granito, Mary E. Santana


New research is emerging that focuses on the role the physical classroom space plays in the teaching-learning dynamic.  The purpose of this exploratory research is to describe the students’ and instructors’ perspectives of how the classroom space and environment impact teaching and learning.  Focus groups were utilized with data points coming from the transcribed interactions of the participants.  There were four focus groups: two groups of college students (N=15), and two groups of college faculty (N=9).  Results yielded three main themes: 1) the Conditions theme, which represented all the issues in the rooms such as space, temperature, and light, 2) the Outcomes theme, which entails all the consequences of the rooms, such as concentration, engagement, and student grades, and 3) the Values theme, which exemplifies the extent classrooms impact teaching and learning

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ISSN: 21586195

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