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Special Issue: Pedagogy in Theory and Practice in Laban Studies

Teresa L. Heiland


This article, by the editor, introduces a Special Issue on pedagogy using Laban Movement Analysis (LMA)and notation. The author parallels Rudolf Laban’s approach to artistic inquiry, which he called a “thought round,” to critical pedagogy, which emerged in the latter half of the 20th century. Theoretical background on the topic of pedagogical theory and practice regarding dance-based dance literacy using reflexivity is explored. LMA, Labanotation, Kinetography Laban, and Motif Notation are discussed in relation to Five Standards of Literacy Pedagogy. The author introduces three articles featured in this special issue that focus on theoretical, philosophical, and epistemological perspectives on pedagogical practices within the realm of Laban Studies.


Critical Pedagogy; Kinetography Laban; Laban; Labanotation; Motif Notation; Pedagogy; Reflexivity

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