Dance partnership in a Tele-secondary school at Estado de Mexico
This paper explores a dance partnership in a tele-secondary school at Estado de México, in which the Language of Dance® approach and the Movement Alphabet® are used to stimulate an interdisciplinary learning process. I describe how the different arts communicate and interchange methodologies and contents to shape an aesthetic-artistic experience for students to create new meanings in their productions. I examine how one teacher of this school used the Movement Alphabet as a tool for creating phrases of movement, interlacing it with both the creation of scenic situations for teaching music and using improvisation from unconventional scores—all to develop his own practices in teaching arts. This partnership belongs to comprehensive research I coordinated, in which a team of artist-teachers and master’s students from the artistic education vein of the Master in Education Development of the National Pedagogical University partnered with three teachers in the implementation of the full-time school program for which we developed an interdisciplinary process of arts-initiation.
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