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Vol 2, No 1 (2011)

Dear Reader,

This issue of Partnerships is timely. The world around us changes almost daily as does the landscape of higher education. Twenty-First century educators are faced with the task of preparing students to be proficient in their academic disciplines within the broader context of a global society. Our current issue provides several articles that focus on the significance of international service learning and student involvement. What began as a special issue of Partnerships led by Dr. Cynthia Wood, Appalachian State University, has resulted in a number of fascinating articles that engage the reader on such topics as international service- learning's impact on host countries, the importance of ethics in cross-cultural service learning relationships and the power of lessons learned through the cultivation of international civic engagement partnerships. Though not specifically related to international service- learning, we have included an article that provides relevant insight into the importance of educating service-learning students about stakeholder involvement and how that involvement ultimately affects both the community and those serving in the community.

A special thank you to all of our authors, book reviewers, editors (Dr. Rebecca Dumlao, East Carolina University) and journal manager (Dr. Norman Clark, Appalachian State University) for their efforts in making this publication happen. Stay tuned for the arrival of our spring 2011 edition where the focus will be on innovative experiences in service learning.

In Partnership,
Tracy Espy, Editor

Table of Contents


Gail Ann McEachron, Guru Ghosh
Thomas Klak, Emma Gaalaas Mullaney
Cynthia A. Wood, Sarah Banks, Shari Galiardi, Jennifer Koehn, Kathleen Schroeder
Shari Galiardi, Jenny Koehn
Kim Jones, Martin Kamela, Aaron Peeks
Beth Walter Honadle, Patrick Kennealy

Book Reviews

Selena Hilemon
Susan Harden
Glenn A. Bowen